high customer satisfaction
HUGE savings for buyers and sellers
cameron puts you in that perfect home
HIGH-QUALITY PHOTOS for sellers listings
We Help Buyers and Sellers
Established in 1959 by M. Jean Cameron, our family-owned business has stood the test of time and proudly serves as Cornwall’s longest-operating locally-owned brokerage. For the past six decades Cameron Real Estate Brokerage has been a name synonymous not only with Cornwall real estate, but also integrity, dedication, professionalism, trust and care.
We’ve served thousands of Cornwall & Area residents over the past sixty years and have the experience it takes to handle any real estate transaction. We’re thankful for more than half a century of community service and looking forward to serving Cornwall & SDG as your truly local, privately owned real estate brokerage.
When you sell your home with Cameron Real Estate Brokerage, you get full service with the experience of Cornwall’s longest-operating brokerage while also potentially saving thousands compared to paying hypothetical 4, 5 or 6% commissions.
Thinking of real estate in Cornwall & Area? Want to save money? Give us a call today for a free, no strings attached market valuation!
Once you compare your free home evaluation report with an actual sale, you’ll quickly determine that these guys know exactly how to price and position your home within the market!